Monday, October 3, 2011

In the world we live in

Friday morning I was awaken the sound of silence. Yep, you know that odd sound when your ceiling fan isn't turning or the mind numbing hummm of your a/c is absent..yeah that kind of silence. By the time I sat up in the bed I heard the fast approaching sound of sirens. First thought was, fire, but then I just knew it was a car accident.

Wes was on his way to his weekend reserve duty by 5:30am when he texted me, "the power is out cause some poor fool has hit the pole to the power lines". Come to find out that "poor fool" probably didn't survive his/her head on collision with the massive power pole. Very sad ... very, very sad.

But, as the morning moved on it really dawned on me. As we sit in this stifling Texas heat someone was receiving news that was going to change their lives..forever. Its scarey when we really think about the "inconveniences" we encounter probably are the effect of a "cause" that dramatically influences someone's life. Sometimes the cause is from a positive source and then sometimes it's not. So, in all honesty I spent those few hours grateful that I was on the "effect" side of this story and not the "cause", and it made that humid start to my day a little bit easier to bear.