Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do you wish "away" your days?

Four years ago I graduated from nursing school and began my first job at hospital in Lawton, Oklahoma. Wes was still active duty Army at that time & this hospital was located very close to our home on post. I LOVED THIS JOB!
As a new L.V.N it was a rare occurrence for a new graduate to get accepted onto a surgical short stay unit..needless to say I was blessed. But,from all that I learned and saw on that floor the one single most memorable moment never involved a patient. Nancy {an R.N that trained me}was an amazing person. She was the image of a nurse that we all would {or should} strive to become. She was knowledgeable, compassionate and believed we were making a difference. One day in particular we had a full surgical schedule, by 7am I had started approx. 22 I.Vs, recovered 10 patients from surgery & admitted 7 to the floor for overnight stays. It was a crazy morning. And on my "drive by" of the nurses station I whispered, "I just can't wait for this day to be over". She smiled a half cracked smile & we crossed paths and went on with our insanity. At lunch we sat down to shovel down some popcorn and a soda and she said, "Shannon, why is it that we wish away our days", "we're blessed to be here for this craziness, and this day will come to an end", "so, enjoy it for all that it has to offer".

This stuck with me...never have forgotten it. Its something that has burrowed its way deep in my heart & mind. Even on my worst days..moments..I truly try to avoid wishing away my days.

So, during this month of "thankfulness" I just want to thank, Nancy. You opened a door that can never be locked. You truly showed me a random act of kindness. It didn't call for you to purchase a coffee for me or allow me to check-out before you in a grocery store. It was way,way more than that. It was giving me the truth. Giving someone "truth" is beyond any material gift.

Thank you, "Ms.Nancy" will hold a very special spot in my heart & will be a apart of the stories I will use to teach my own children.

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