Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If it was good for a Soldier's wound, its good for my baby's bum!

I've received several messages on You Tube to make a video of the cloth diaper solution we use on our little bit's bum.  And so today I finally got my tail in gear and got it done:)

         Click here for "My cloth wipe solution" video on You Tube

I've seen loads of great {awesome even} ideas on how to make your own.  You can even buy it premixed and so on.  In other words this in no way means; my way is the only way.  Its just what we do.  The main {vital ingredient if you ask me} is the 100% pure tea tree oil I use from NOW essential oils.  In the 1920's some really super smart scientist discovered its antimicrobial activity and was used commonly for skin issues and even wounds of injured Soldiers.  So, I figured if its good for a Soldier's wound, then heck its good for Piper's bum! 

Its pretty simple...approx. 2 cups of distilled water, 2 drops of tea tree oil, and 1-2 drops of johnson's baby shampoo.  Throw in some terry cloth wipes {the only ones I really like to use for dirty baby bottoms}and WaLah!  No, more store bought wipes for you!
{not to forget it will also make any room they are stored in smell pretty awesome too}

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