Friday, September 16, 2011

The amazing world of baby bottles

I thought since Piper has been transitioning from breast milk to formula I would do a review on the baby bottles we've tried. Keep in mind this one little baby's experience with these brands & everyone's wee ones have their preferances.

Piper seems to really prefer and have less issues with the Born Free (glass) bottle & Avent made by Phillips. The flow is perfect, no choking. Now, the Avent bottles have a small issue with the nipple collapsing, but it doesn't occur with every feeding. I have yet to find an issue the Born Free bottle other than the glass bottles are a bit heavy.

I would love to hear your experiences with bottles. Favorites and not so favorite.

Click here for the video review of..Medela glass, Playtex, Adiri, Breastflow,Avent & Born Free


  1. We used the born free with rory, although i went with the plastic because of the transport drama with the glass. He loved them, we loved win! :)

  2. I haven't purchased the plastic yet, but the born free seem to be our absolute fave:)
