Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby Girl Feeling Icky

Last week Peyton had to deal with an outbreak of staph on her inner left thigh. It was terribly painful for her. It was our first experience with a staph infection, but from the get go you could tell this wasn't a normal boo-boo. So, off the the Doc we went & started her on Bactrim & now 7 days later it is all but a small red area. Then, while dealing with that she developed a nasty fever, just a congested cough. And now Miss Piper has this nasty cough, but it seems to really be bringing her down. Shes constantly rubbing her left ear, but doesn't seem to be a lot of pain. I went ahead & made an appointment for 1:00, just to have him listen to her & look her over. Peyton had pneumonia at 14 months & that was after being told it was viral for almost 2 weeks & then she begun retracting & just completely drained of energy. So, I just would rather be proactive & make sure Piper is ok.

So, we went to see Dr.Mac {incognito name}. Who of course listened, tickled & played with Piper. He looked in her ears, but at 1st couldn't get a good view of her left ear due to wax. So, he used the puffer on his otoscope to move the wax & he said he could finally see. He said it's red & "not moving". Dr.Mac hates rx'ing antibiotics in the 1st year of life due to the association with asthma, but he explained that if it was only red & mobile he would suspect drainage associated with a viral illness, but because it's non-mobile, red & she has fever, then it needs treatment with antibiotics. I'm a little disappointed, but I don't want my little one hurting or uncomfortable.

On a side note she's 21.8 lbs! She's an exact image of her sister. Dr. Mac even said that he wasn't even worried about it because of how lean Peyton is now {5 yro. 39lbs}.

Funny thing is all my babies are little chunkers & then I'm fighting to put weight on them later in life:)

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