Saturday, January 14, 2012

Embraced moments...

I'm a horrible vlogger, blogger and anything else that is "ogger" related at this point. I definitely still lurk in the dark corners of the web & check on all of my favorite blogs & vloggers, but I've just been a complete slacker on mine. That can pretty much sum up my personality though. I completely over commit
#1 thing that has kept me over stimulated & over committed:
I've started to tear apart our master bathroom. Everyday as I got ready in my powder blue doily patterned wallpapered bathroom, I would say, "someday I'm going to make this an oasis, not a nursing home". Well, "someday" is here & OH MY GRAVY this is a project. Especially when we are a penny pinching family. So, can we all say in unison, "DIY"?
I've actually got all the wallpaper down & have applied the wall mud to smooth out all the creases left from the razor that they used to trim the paper itself & of course the nail holes left. On that note, let me say a huge "THANK YOU" to Pinterest .. you've made this project much, much easier! Chair railing has been removed, so today I will will to sand down the wall mud & next step I am removing the quarter round from the base boards since we are planning to stain the concrete {removing laminate..ugly egg shell, basic square laminate}.

On a lighter note I was looking over my "to do" list for today; when I left it on my laptop to get little miss P up from her morning nap & I returned to such sweet little note from my sweet Peyton. Peyton is 5yro. going on 13yro. This little girl is a quick witted, sometimes too smart for her own good firecracker. She is definitely the cause of many grey hairs {but I forgive her}. She keeps me on my toes & has proved to me time & time again; that you can't parent each child the same even within the same household. She requires extreme patience, perseverance & consistancy. She is a master of finding a weakness and utilizing it to its full potential {arn't most kids??}. Point in case...if she knows that I am destracted {talking with someone on the phone or even if someone is over visiting}. She will push the limits to exactly what she can get away with. I was visiting with a friend at our front door that had come to pick up some cloth diapers she had bought from me. Peyton started shutting the door ever so gently on me saying, "mom, its cold we need to shut the door". 1st attempt: "Peyton, if your cold you can move away from the front door and go play in your room". FAIL. Peyton: "mom, its too cold, we need to shut the door" At this point I'm trying to talk to my friend & at the same time ignore this ever persistant bumping of the front door on my heels. I turned around, {2nd attempt} "Peyton, you need to stop being rude & go to your room". Then its the lovely, "No, I'm not" response that we all just adore, especially in front of guest. My response, "Missy, your not going to tell me "no". If you want to stay out here, then stop shutting the door. And if your cold you need to go play in your room. Thank goodness we all have our own space". I get the beautiful smirked face & she finally stops. The fact is with Peyton..she knows that when mom is destracted this is where I'm going to push & push just to see how much I can get away with. But, on the same note she can be the sweetest, most compassionate little girl. Shes just a determined little girl trying to find her place in this big world.

So, when I come aross things like this little note...

I know that even through the winds of parenting..and during the days that you feel like you've reached a road block with these little humans..they are just tip toeing into an ocean of crazy emotions & overwhelming freedom. But, through it all...she loves this nutty mama. And God knows I love her every millimeter from here to the moon.

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