Sunday, June 30, 2013

Finding perfection in the imperfection

The past few days; even weeks seem to all have molded into a perpetual day.  Not that I'm full on the calendar, but this sense of unrest; a dog chasing their own tail.  I'm a believer in "to-do" list, written budgets & meal planning, but lately just finding the time to sit and write anything is truly an act of congress.  My days were ending with that dull feeling of not really completing a task ... just a feeling of failed accomplishment.  But, then I saw my sweet girls enjoying the early morning sun and it completely refreshed my thoughts.

I knew then that even when life feels blemished and flawed, that really its exactly how its suppose to be.  

Beautifully flawed in the most perfect of imperfect ways.

I find that I routinely follow this cycle.  I will knock out major task; clean out an abandoned closet & sweep the cob-webs out of the garage, but even when I've burned the "to-do" list a few days later I'm stuck again...and again.

So, I'm committed to breaking this cycle.  Teaching my selfish butt just how gracious this life has been to me.

Everyday since this I've made it a point to sit & quiet my racing mind.  Put some reins on this perfectionist drive & enjoy the ride, take deeper breaths & soak in the view.

I miss my weekly yoga classes for this very reason.  It gave me a guaranteed hour of peaceful reflection with physical reinforcement.  I ache to get back in the studio, but this shouldn't stop me from implementing home practice...let me add it to my to-do list:)



Saturday, June 15, 2013

Got Milk?

It was a slow start to our Saturday, but in many respects thats the perfect way to tip-toe into your weekend, right?
I came across the documentary, "Food, Inc" {which if you haven't must}.  And even though over the past year I've been becoming increasingly aware of just how conventional farming has lost all conviction. To watch it can be heart wrenching, even when you already know.  We can debate GMOs, organic vs conventional & so forth, but the topic that I feel no one has the true right to argue is, animal rights {especially in the farming community}.  We share this planet and like us all creatures deserve to be treated with dignity.  Dignity in life as well in death.  Honestly it breaks my heart to see just how heartless our industrial farming has become.  Ok,ok I'll hush.
This journal wasn't suppose to be about animal rights, but in many ways it stirred the need to go & visit a local farm and love on some happy critters.

While we visited calves, goats & horses we went ahead & picked up a gallon of raw milk, 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk {Peyton's fave} & a dozen of free range eggs.

Peyton spent the night {along with her cousins} at Nana & Papa's house and Lee was spending the weekend at his father's, so it was just 3 of us, Dad, Piper & myself.

Piper loves feeding the baby goats & nahing with the horses.  All three kids have this love for animals that almost comes instinctual for them.  You know as parents we pray over our children constantly, let them find peace & self acceptance,  have a compassionate heart, see beauty even when faced with adversity.  You know what I mean, and then God allows us to see the fruits of those prayers & truly, it makes your soul smile.  I hope they always carry compassion close within them.

We wrapped up our impromptu dairy visit & headed home with happy hearts & some great goodies.  Piper took a afternoon snooze, I cleaned up a bit & Wes was able to veg out..pretty perfect.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Breathing life...

into this deserted Its been just over a year since my last entry and I really feel a calling to revive this little corner of the web. Life has definitely been "happening" around here. Kids are growing, spreading wings & some are getting their feet wet in the early phase of young adulthood.
Peyton soared through Kindergarten this year & will begin her journey into her elementary years in 2013-2014. She really has bloomed in this past year & I am so happy we chose to delay her entry into the public school system {she's a early September baby}. In the past year she has matured and I really feel she can now adequately handle the challenges that will come {not all being bad either}.
The 2nd man in my life, Lee is entering high school for the 2013-2014 & this has me in a state of complete denial. Not only that Lee is 15 years old, but that I'm 34!! What?! I'm now in the "older mom" group. Its ironic in many ways. I started off as the youngest mom at PTO meetings, cub scouts & athletics ... and now here I am 34 years & having Piper {just turned 2 years old on June 13th} I find that I'm in the "older" crowd. How strange it is my friends. Wes is still working .. working & well working more. We've been blessed any many ways, but with these blessings sacrifices have been made as well. I just continue to be so thankful to have the ability to be home with my children. I can truly say without any hesitation I do not miss working. I know many stay-at-home-mom struggle with the limited "adult" conversation, but honestly I stay so busy & involved that I feel that that need is met, in friendships & in family. My sister & her little family has finally made the final trip back to Texas & this time they are staying. My brother-in-law does have one more deployment commitment with the Marines, but they chose to move Sabrina and the kiddos back home prior to him deploying. Its great having my baby sis home & being able to see my niece & nephew is incredible. A lot has change since that entry to this little blog...I've started running, going to gym, practicing yoga & making many small lifestyle changes. But, more importantly to mention is that I'm loving ever step of it! I hope to become better at vlogging & blogging about this whole journey & super excited to share it with anyone willing to listen..or read. Well, I have the cutest little two year old tugging at my toes so I better head off to get our night on the way. Hope this finds everyone well, happy & safe. Love, Shannon
I'm kind of obsessed with Instagram, so if you are too I'm @Shannonllh