Sunday, June 30, 2013

Finding perfection in the imperfection

The past few days; even weeks seem to all have molded into a perpetual day.  Not that I'm full on the calendar, but this sense of unrest; a dog chasing their own tail.  I'm a believer in "to-do" list, written budgets & meal planning, but lately just finding the time to sit and write anything is truly an act of congress.  My days were ending with that dull feeling of not really completing a task ... just a feeling of failed accomplishment.  But, then I saw my sweet girls enjoying the early morning sun and it completely refreshed my thoughts.

I knew then that even when life feels blemished and flawed, that really its exactly how its suppose to be.  

Beautifully flawed in the most perfect of imperfect ways.

I find that I routinely follow this cycle.  I will knock out major task; clean out an abandoned closet & sweep the cob-webs out of the garage, but even when I've burned the "to-do" list a few days later I'm stuck again...and again.

So, I'm committed to breaking this cycle.  Teaching my selfish butt just how gracious this life has been to me.

Everyday since this I've made it a point to sit & quiet my racing mind.  Put some reins on this perfectionist drive & enjoy the ride, take deeper breaths & soak in the view.

I miss my weekly yoga classes for this very reason.  It gave me a guaranteed hour of peaceful reflection with physical reinforcement.  I ache to get back in the studio, but this shouldn't stop me from implementing home practice...let me add it to my to-do list:)



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