I love the day we climb into our attic & pull down all the tupperware bins that contain all of our Christmas goodies, but ironically enough I love when we creep closer to the new year & I have to pull the bins back down & pack away everything for the next year. I love seeing cleared off spaces & really love just how much easier the weekly task of dusting becomes again..lol.
This year I really hit up the thrift stores in hopes to finding storage containers for ornaments and such..and well, I DID! And I'm completely stoked about it. I can finally toss the numerous containers & have 1 bin to drag out each year {pom-poms quickly russling together}.
Lee is with his Dad till Sunday evening..and I honestly can't wait for him to get back. I miss the kid. You know I remember the first holiday I had to split with his father {he was 4yro} & it was terrible. I remember just the simple act of waking up without my little man in the house, just broke my heart. I remember inviting my girl friends over to spend the night with me or even I remember one year inviting my neighbors {single dad with his 3 sons} for a camp out in my living room just so I wasn't alone..lol. I have to wonder how in the world I would have ever survived as a single, childless young woman. I would have adopted way too many pets thats for sure..lol. But, now here we are Lee is 13yro. and I still find myself missing him like crazy. I've been blessed with such a great relationship with him & I only hope it continues to grow as he turns into a young man. These upcoming years really make me nervous. This is where Lee will more than likely be exposed to drugs, sex and major peer pressure. I just hope he shines through the pressures & sees that his life is worth way, way more than any of those things can provide. Lee & I have a very open relationship. I've always tried to keep communication open, honest and true for him. Now, don't get me wrong there are times where I have to drag the story out of him, but I just don't let him get away wih the rolled eyes that say, "mom, you just wouldn't understand". Sometimes I will just say it how I know they would say it. For example. I bluntly asked him if any of his friends have had sex. Yes, people our kids are being exposed to sexual behavior even at 11!!!! We can't put ourselves into a box & believe, "oh thats not happening at my kid's school". I have too many friends that are middle school & jr. high teachers and guess what...it is! So, back to the question. I immediately got the look of "how gross, mom. Even if they were I'm not going to tell you". And then he says, "gahh, mom..no..". Well, this answer doesn't end this discussion by far. So, I said. If they aren't having sex have they talked about having sex? "Oh, mommmmm,ok,ok, they say they can't wait to have sex & there are a few girls that they talk about". Now, I want to see what group of friends are we talking about here. Is half of football practice about girls?? {kind of saying it laughing", "no, the guys are pretty serious about football". Then of course I want to know about Cross Country. I bet the boys on your cross country team have a hard time watching their mouths at a run since its co-ed. "Nope, we're freaking exhausted and focused on the run". So, now I know its strickly kids in class that are making the comments. Which gives me a little more peace simply because these are boys he doesn't "hangs" out with a whole lot. I then just ask him, "are you curious about sex, Lee". And then I was shocked he really let it just pour out. "Mom, I look forward to falling in love with someone one day, but I really do want to be married first, then experience that with her." He has been LISTENING!! I don't live in a ignorant bubble and I'm sure he will waver in his choices, but I hope he comes back to the root of it all.
"Mom, I have dreams I first want to accomplish, I want to go to college, meet that person & then build a life for us". At this point I have that proud parent moment. My heart smiles. And I say to him, "Lee I want you to love yourself first & then at which you'll be able to love someone else beyond all bounderies. Its natural to be curious about sex, and God designed it to be a beautiful & great thing that all of us should share with our husband or wives."
Now, I will have to visit this blog once Lee turns 18yro. & we'll see how his journey in this world is going. The world is a very big & sometimes very scarey place. I just hope my babies make-it through & see the beauty it all has to offer.
It may seem that I'm in a state of chaos, but trust me its organized in my head.

Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Tis the season..
I don't know about you, but I absolutely love Christmas. I love the decorations, smells and the feeling of this very special holiday. We celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, but our children also enjoy the traditions of Santa Clause & I just love watching them get wrapped into the holiday spirit. Wes became all super dad on us & decided that this year he would put lights along the roof of the house. We went to hobby lobby, got the big bulb light strands, roof clips & off he went. Now, about 3hrs ago we went to plug them in and wa-lah..no light extravaganza..lol. Poor guy. Come to find out with this particular brand {GE} you can only attach 2 strands of lights to each other then at which they have to have their own power cord to plug in. So, with 13 strands of lights we are going to need 6 extension cords..fun:)
But, we have the tree up & decorated, mantle has my little snow village set-up & just over all little here & there knick-knacks are placed around the house. Loving it.
Now, just for some random family updates here we go...
Took Piper in for her second round of 4 month shots {shes currently going on 6monhts, we opted to do delayed immunizations}. The HiB injection really bugged her. Her little thigh has a little red knot & she did run a low grade temp yesterday, but today seems to be doing much better. Lee went in for his 2nd immunization of the Guardisil {HPV} vaccine & seems to be doing just fine. Lee will have allergy testing this coming Monday, 12/5/11 for foods & evironmental. Now, his prior blood work came back all normal, which ruled out all the scarey things, i.e. celiacs disease & even leukemia and such, so at least we know Lee is healthy. But, because of his lack of weight gain & some other issues Lee is having his Dr. truly feels like there is something going on with Lee's digestion, so 1st on the list to rule out is allergies. Since Peyton has such a strong history of food allergies he feels that this is the most logical step for us to look into. Poor kid, I really hope everything checks out & Lee is just a lean teenager. {I've posted a video vlog on YT of Lee's testing day} I did ask the Dr. since we do not eat lots of red meats & try to stick with lean meats & non processed foods could this be a reason, but since Lee's labs all reflected so well balanced he feels that Lee is truly getting everything he needs nutrition wise, just maybe increase carbohydrates, i.e. pasta. Carbs could help Lee gain more weight. If this entry is riddled with typos I'm apologizing now. I'm absolutely exhausted, but I really just wanted to get down a lot of things that are going on right now.
I have my pre-op lab work this coming Monday for my upcoming surgery, hysterectomy on 12/7/11. I went to my pre-op appointment with my OB/GYN & he said that hes going to try to keep both of my ovaries intact..to be continued
{continued on Dec. 16th 2011}
Holy cow I have neglected this blog entry..lol. So. lots have happened. Heres a quick run through. Lee had his testing done {check out my YT channel for updated vlogs} & the kid is allergic to so many things it threw me for a loop. I guess I will go through the actual list, rather than trying to remember it all & missing something...
{Weeds}, pretty much every single one but, his highest reaction was to Ragweed. {Grasses} same as weeds, all, but his highest reaction was to Yellow Dock, {Trees} highest reaction was to Mesquite, White Pine, Privet, American Sycamore & Candida {totally crazy question..I know, but is that marajana?..if so thats great..lol}, {Molds} highest reactions were to Aspergillus,Cephalosporium,Helminthlosporium,Hormodendrum,Penicillium,Grass Smut, & Grain Smut, {Household} his highest reactions were to dust mite, cockroaches, and cat dander, tobacco (I absolutely am thrilled that he is allergic to tobacco..lol), Soybean, Strawberries & Tomato. Now, what I considered to be a "high reaction" are level 5 or higher. So, these are things that he definitely needs to try an avoid. Now, granted we can't escape air, but we are going to try a different oral antihistamine {Xyzal} and see if this helps him. And of course it goes without saying to avoid the foods.
{to be continued..have to get these little goober faces ready for a Dr.'s appointment.}
{continued on 12/20/11}
So, I desperately need to wrap up this blog entry. We are going to try 1st an oral antihistamines to cover all the environmental allergens & just see how this goes. Overall hes doing much better & I truly hope it only continues. The true test will be that his headaches start to subside.
Now, as for me this is day 13 post hysterectomy for me & I'm feeling wonderful. The incisions more so feel like just surface bruises & there is absolutely no internal pain {other than if Piper gives me a good old 1-2 kick during diaper changes}. So, all is well with the Hall household.
{and now we can finally end this blog...wow}
But, we have the tree up & decorated, mantle has my little snow village set-up & just over all little here & there knick-knacks are placed around the house. Loving it.
Now, just for some random family updates here we go...
Took Piper in for her second round of 4 month shots {shes currently going on 6monhts, we opted to do delayed immunizations}. The HiB injection really bugged her. Her little thigh has a little red knot & she did run a low grade temp yesterday, but today seems to be doing much better. Lee went in for his 2nd immunization of the Guardisil {HPV} vaccine & seems to be doing just fine. Lee will have allergy testing this coming Monday, 12/5/11 for foods & evironmental. Now, his prior blood work came back all normal, which ruled out all the scarey things, i.e. celiacs disease & even leukemia and such, so at least we know Lee is healthy. But, because of his lack of weight gain & some other issues Lee is having his Dr. truly feels like there is something going on with Lee's digestion, so 1st on the list to rule out is allergies. Since Peyton has such a strong history of food allergies he feels that this is the most logical step for us to look into. Poor kid, I really hope everything checks out & Lee is just a lean teenager. {I've posted a video vlog on YT of Lee's testing day} I did ask the Dr. since we do not eat lots of red meats & try to stick with lean meats & non processed foods could this be a reason, but since Lee's labs all reflected so well balanced he feels that Lee is truly getting everything he needs nutrition wise, just maybe increase carbohydrates, i.e. pasta. Carbs could help Lee gain more weight. If this entry is riddled with typos I'm apologizing now. I'm absolutely exhausted, but I really just wanted to get down a lot of things that are going on right now.
I have my pre-op lab work this coming Monday for my upcoming surgery, hysterectomy on 12/7/11. I went to my pre-op appointment with my OB/GYN & he said that hes going to try to keep both of my ovaries intact..to be continued
{continued on Dec. 16th 2011}
Holy cow I have neglected this blog entry..lol. So. lots have happened. Heres a quick run through. Lee had his testing done {check out my YT channel for updated vlogs} & the kid is allergic to so many things it threw me for a loop. I guess I will go through the actual list, rather than trying to remember it all & missing something...
{Weeds}, pretty much every single one but, his highest reaction was to Ragweed. {Grasses} same as weeds, all, but his highest reaction was to Yellow Dock, {Trees} highest reaction was to Mesquite, White Pine, Privet, American Sycamore & Candida {totally crazy question..I know, but is that marajana?..if so thats great..lol}, {Molds} highest reactions were to Aspergillus,Cephalosporium,Helminthlosporium,Hormodendrum,Penicillium,Grass Smut, & Grain Smut, {Household} his highest reactions were to dust mite, cockroaches, and cat dander, tobacco (I absolutely am thrilled that he is allergic to tobacco..lol), Soybean, Strawberries & Tomato. Now, what I considered to be a "high reaction" are level 5 or higher. So, these are things that he definitely needs to try an avoid. Now, granted we can't escape air, but we are going to try a different oral antihistamine {Xyzal} and see if this helps him. And of course it goes without saying to avoid the foods.
{to be continued..have to get these little goober faces ready for a Dr.'s appointment.}
{continued on 12/20/11}
So, I desperately need to wrap up this blog entry. We are going to try 1st an oral antihistamines to cover all the environmental allergens & just see how this goes. Overall hes doing much better & I truly hope it only continues. The true test will be that his headaches start to subside.
Now, as for me this is day 13 post hysterectomy for me & I'm feeling wonderful. The incisions more so feel like just surface bruises & there is absolutely no internal pain {other than if Piper gives me a good old 1-2 kick during diaper changes}. So, all is well with the Hall household.
{and now we can finally end this blog...wow}
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Birthday, Turkey & Madness
Well, the 23rd marked my 33rd birthday. Just saying, "yes, I'm 33 years old" just doesn't sound natural, but whether or not its natural, its true. Hitting 30 never even affected me, but something about creeping on 35 is just a tad bit unsettling. Wes worked & Lee is spending this Thanksgiving with his dad, so it was just me & the girls. It was a typical day in the Hall household. That evening Wes gets in from his day at work & he had the devestating news that his business had been broken into during the night. Computers were stolen & they just really tore up the place. They tossed a concrete block through the window, the alarm system did notify the police but in the matter of 7 minutes they were able to remove 3 computers & a fax machine. Just mind blowing...thank GOODNESS for insurance, but the heartbreak & stress is just so much worse than the actual crime. I just wish people realized who they are stealing from. We're just an average everyday American family, making it day by day. Our employees make more in their paychecks than we get to bring home for ourselves, we live without our husband, dad on holidays & even weekends at times. So, in otherwords your not stealing from a millionaire, thats on vacation in the carribean..we're just like you, making it day by day. Wes was so upset he wanted to set-up a cot and post up for the night with a rifle & see if they were going to return during the holiday break. After a very intense conversation about is it ethical to take someone's life over thievery...he realized that the wound didn't just hurt his wallet, but also his pride. These people invaded his space that he has worked so hard on for the past two years...how dare they do this.
So, that was the 23rd.."happy birthday to me" {sarcastic grin} & then the 24th was Thanksgiving & it was a great day. We headed to my sister-in-law's home for our Thanksgiving feast..and it was great. Piper did fantastic & even snuggled up with Nana for a 2hr. nap. There is just something about her Nana that just puts that baby girl in a coma & she'll sleep ... well, like a baby. Its just amazing. We stuffed ourselves on turkey, sweet potatoe pie, stuffing, green beans, sausage & desserts that just make my mouth drool now as I type it...it was a day of yumminess and thankfulness.
So, after Peyton got her fill of running wild with her cousins, we loaded up & headed home. Piper is slowly accepting her relationship with her carseat. I love it when Wes drives cause I can sit back with her & it just makes for a much better ride. Now, when I'm driving alone with the kids..there are two songs that hypnotize Piper. "Happy Birthday" & "You are my Sunshine" .. she just absolutely loves these two songs. Now, of course I add my own spin to them, but its enough to keep her occupied. I really want to get a mirror to be able to see her face. I've never had one with the others kids, but with Piper shes a very visual baby & extremely attached to this mama, so I think this will be good for both of us:)
We finally get home, get bathed & have put Piper down .. when I get a text from one of my girl friends who is heading out for black friday sales & wanted to know where I was heading. Well, I wasn't planning to go out simply because I was pooped. I was all snuggled up in my flannel pj's and was looking forward to vegging out in front of the t.v, but she got me stirred up so I headed out. Now, I've avoided Walmart for the past year and a half {personal decision}, but on Black Friday they really do have amazing deals. As I drove up to the parking lot my jaw just dropped...holy cow there was at least 300 cars in the parking lot. It was mind blowing. I finally found a spot and headed in. It was a mass feeding frezy of insanity in there. People had there babies, and small children..and cursing like sailors at one another..it really was disturbing. I just kind of walked around in a state of aww. I picked up two items. The Magic Globe by crayola and a Fur Real Pet {cat}. I was outta there. Then I headed to Kohl's {secret addiction}. Now, I got in the parking lot about 11:30 and there was at least 200 people in line waiting for the doors to open at midnight. So, I got my crazy tail out of my warm van and stool in line. It moved quickly once the doors open, so it wasn't terrible. Now, at Kohls I did a little more shopping. Got Lee & the girls some clothes, Peyton a sewing machine, digital camera, barbie and horse, some playskool toys for Piper. I ended up saving $225. and paid $164.. It wasn't a bad night at all. The only things I really need are a flat screen TV for Lee's room, of course he wants gift cards {hes a teenager & I no longer pick out "cool" things}. I still need stocking stuffers, but for the most part I really took a big chunk out of my Christmas shopping, so I'm pretty excited about that.
Okay, now that I've completely rambled on I'm going to sign off for now. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving & I would love to hear your experiences with Black Friday sales. Did y'all find any amazing deals out there??
So, that was the 23rd.."happy birthday to me" {sarcastic grin} & then the 24th was Thanksgiving & it was a great day. We headed to my sister-in-law's home for our Thanksgiving feast..and it was great. Piper did fantastic & even snuggled up with Nana for a 2hr. nap. There is just something about her Nana that just puts that baby girl in a coma & she'll sleep ... well, like a baby. Its just amazing. We stuffed ourselves on turkey, sweet potatoe pie, stuffing, green beans, sausage & desserts that just make my mouth drool now as I type it...it was a day of yumminess and thankfulness.
So, after Peyton got her fill of running wild with her cousins, we loaded up & headed home. Piper is slowly accepting her relationship with her carseat. I love it when Wes drives cause I can sit back with her & it just makes for a much better ride. Now, when I'm driving alone with the kids..there are two songs that hypnotize Piper. "Happy Birthday" & "You are my Sunshine" .. she just absolutely loves these two songs. Now, of course I add my own spin to them, but its enough to keep her occupied. I really want to get a mirror to be able to see her face. I've never had one with the others kids, but with Piper shes a very visual baby & extremely attached to this mama, so I think this will be good for both of us:)
We finally get home, get bathed & have put Piper down .. when I get a text from one of my girl friends who is heading out for black friday sales & wanted to know where I was heading. Well, I wasn't planning to go out simply because I was pooped. I was all snuggled up in my flannel pj's and was looking forward to vegging out in front of the t.v, but she got me stirred up so I headed out. Now, I've avoided Walmart for the past year and a half {personal decision}, but on Black Friday they really do have amazing deals. As I drove up to the parking lot my jaw just dropped...holy cow there was at least 300 cars in the parking lot. It was mind blowing. I finally found a spot and headed in. It was a mass feeding frezy of insanity in there. People had there babies, and small children..and cursing like sailors at one another..it really was disturbing. I just kind of walked around in a state of aww. I picked up two items. The Magic Globe by crayola and a Fur Real Pet {cat}. I was outta there. Then I headed to Kohl's {secret addiction}. Now, I got in the parking lot about 11:30 and there was at least 200 people in line waiting for the doors to open at midnight. So, I got my crazy tail out of my warm van and stool in line. It moved quickly once the doors open, so it wasn't terrible. Now, at Kohls I did a little more shopping. Got Lee & the girls some clothes, Peyton a sewing machine, digital camera, barbie and horse, some playskool toys for Piper. I ended up saving $225. and paid $164.. It wasn't a bad night at all. The only things I really need are a flat screen TV for Lee's room, of course he wants gift cards {hes a teenager & I no longer pick out "cool" things}. I still need stocking stuffers, but for the most part I really took a big chunk out of my Christmas shopping, so I'm pretty excited about that.
Okay, now that I've completely rambled on I'm going to sign off for now. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving & I would love to hear your experiences with Black Friday sales. Did y'all find any amazing deals out there??
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Do you wish "away" your days?
Four years ago I graduated from nursing school and began my first job at hospital in Lawton, Oklahoma. Wes was still active duty Army at that time & this hospital was located very close to our home on post. I LOVED THIS JOB!
As a new L.V.N it was a rare occurrence for a new graduate to get accepted onto a surgical short stay unit..needless to say I was blessed. But,from all that I learned and saw on that floor the one single most memorable moment never involved a patient. Nancy {an R.N that trained me}was an amazing person. She was the image of a nurse that we all would {or should} strive to become. She was knowledgeable, compassionate and believed we were making a difference. One day in particular we had a full surgical schedule, by 7am I had started approx. 22 I.Vs, recovered 10 patients from surgery & admitted 7 to the floor for overnight stays. It was a crazy morning. And on my "drive by" of the nurses station I whispered, "I just can't wait for this day to be over". She smiled a half cracked smile & we crossed paths and went on with our insanity. At lunch we sat down to shovel down some popcorn and a soda and she said, "Shannon, why is it that we wish away our days", "we're blessed to be here for this craziness, and this day will come to an end", "so, enjoy it for all that it has to offer".
This stuck with me...never have forgotten it. Its something that has burrowed its way deep in my heart & mind. Even on my worst days..moments..I truly try to avoid wishing away my days.
So, during this month of "thankfulness" I just want to thank, Nancy. You opened a door that can never be locked. You truly showed me a random act of kindness. It didn't call for you to purchase a coffee for me or allow me to check-out before you in a grocery store. It was way,way more than that. It was giving me the truth. Giving someone "truth" is beyond any material gift.
Thank you, "Ms.Nancy"..you will hold a very special spot in my heart & will be a apart of the stories I will use to teach my own children.
As a new L.V.N it was a rare occurrence for a new graduate to get accepted onto a surgical short stay unit..needless to say I was blessed. But,from all that I learned and saw on that floor the one single most memorable moment never involved a patient. Nancy {an R.N that trained me}was an amazing person. She was the image of a nurse that we all would {or should} strive to become. She was knowledgeable, compassionate and believed we were making a difference. One day in particular we had a full surgical schedule, by 7am I had started approx. 22 I.Vs, recovered 10 patients from surgery & admitted 7 to the floor for overnight stays. It was a crazy morning. And on my "drive by" of the nurses station I whispered, "I just can't wait for this day to be over". She smiled a half cracked smile & we crossed paths and went on with our insanity. At lunch we sat down to shovel down some popcorn and a soda and she said, "Shannon, why is it that we wish away our days", "we're blessed to be here for this craziness, and this day will come to an end", "so, enjoy it for all that it has to offer".
This stuck with me...never have forgotten it. Its something that has burrowed its way deep in my heart & mind. Even on my worst days..moments..I truly try to avoid wishing away my days.
So, during this month of "thankfulness" I just want to thank, Nancy. You opened a door that can never be locked. You truly showed me a random act of kindness. It didn't call for you to purchase a coffee for me or allow me to check-out before you in a grocery store. It was way,way more than that. It was giving me the truth. Giving someone "truth" is beyond any material gift.
Thank you, "Ms.Nancy"..you will hold a very special spot in my heart & will be a apart of the stories I will use to teach my own children.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Happy Halloween, Folks!
I love Halloween for so many different reasons. From the orange pumpkins, to the over all feeling of Fall to the first chill in weather {which comes very late for us, Texas natives}. I wish everyone happy pumpkin carving memories and a very safe night of trick or treating with your little ones. I know we sure are looking forward to our evening of spooks and treats!
Friday, October 14, 2011
No tricks here..
but we do have some pretty cute treats:)
I've owned a Singer {model #4206} since this past Christmas {yes, almost been a year}. I've done some very safe sewing on it, but I've been terribly intimidated by this amazing piece of crafty machinary. So, the time came for me to just take off the floaties and start using this bad boy. My very first project was to create the girl's halloween costumes. I barely can read a pattern and google was my best friend for about 3 hours as I looked up terms and such. But, with a little help from my friends {gotta love my Joe Cocker plug there} I made it through & I'm little school girl gitty that I've made my girl's costumes. Especially since this is Piper's 1st halloween its a memory I will cheerish. So, in this house this trick or treating season we will have the most adorable little cat & the most precious little red riding hood this neck of the woods has ever seen.
I'd love to hear your first project with sewing? Were you wanting to shout from the roof tops, "look at me, look at me..I am crafty!" {cause I sure did!}
I've owned a Singer {model #4206} since this past Christmas {yes, almost been a year}. I've done some very safe sewing on it, but I've been terribly intimidated by this amazing piece of crafty machinary. So, the time came for me to just take off the floaties and start using this bad boy. My very first project was to create the girl's halloween costumes. I barely can read a pattern and google was my best friend for about 3 hours as I looked up terms and such. But, with a little help from my friends {gotta love my Joe Cocker plug there} I made it through & I'm little school girl gitty that I've made my girl's costumes. Especially since this is Piper's 1st halloween its a memory I will cheerish. So, in this house this trick or treating season we will have the most adorable little cat & the most precious little red riding hood this neck of the woods has ever seen.
I'd love to hear your first project with sewing? Were you wanting to shout from the roof tops, "look at me, look at me..I am crafty!" {cause I sure did!}
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Just wanna eat 'er up:)
Well, time flies and babies grow..how sad is that?! I just want to keep my sweet Piper as my little precious baby girl FOREVER! I think having a 13 year old and a 5 year old puts into perspective to just how quickly they grow up on us. I just love them at this age. So, sweet & everything is new and exciting and you just can't help but smile when they discover their little toes and the perpetual river of drool that runs down their chubby lil'chins. I love every ounce of this little june bug.
{happy 16 weeks piper jane-lee}
If you live in the montgomery,spring,magnolia or conroe areas you must call Stephanie with Rustic Reflections Photography for all your photography needs. She truly captures the moments perfectly and timelessly. Shes incrediable with all ages & really brings on the inner beauty in all of her clients.
Click here to visit Stephanie at Rustic Reflections Photography
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Win a complete homeschooling curriculum!
What an opportunity for both a homeschooling mama or a even if your children attend an out of home education program! I don't know about you, but anything to help ME help THEM is a definit plus!! Please visit Mothering.com's blog enter. Giveaway closes on October 14th 2011.
Click here to visit Mothering.com's Blog for the Homeschooling Curriulum Giveaway!
Click here to visit Mothering.com's Blog for the Homeschooling Curriulum Giveaway!
Yay! For Play Clay
After purchasing Mama K's Play Clay {and loving it} I was determined to find out how to create our own & I think I've got it:)
1 cup of all purpose flour {I used Private Selection Organic Unbleached All-Purpose}
1 cup of h2o {I used straight from my tap:}
1/2 cup salt {I used Morton Coarse Kosher Salt}
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil {I used Spectrum organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil}
2 tablespoons of cream of tartar {I used McCormick Cream of Tartar}
1/4 teaspoon of gel food coloring {I used Betty Crocker Neon Pink Gel Food Colors}
Kitchen tools needed...
wooden spoon
floured surface for kneading
plastic wrap or sealed container for storage
Place all ingredients into your pan and wisk well together.
Put the pan on med/high heat and continuously stir as the clay thickens {this will take anywhere from 2-4 minutes}. It won't look much like "playdoh" at this point, but once it gets thick its time to pull off the oven.
Place your HOT clay onto your floured surface {it will be very sticky at this stage..no worries} and allow it to cool for a few minutes before beginning to knead.
When you begin kneading work in some of the flour from the surface your working on. It should start feeling more like clay/playdoh {the stickyness should no longer be an issue} it should be pliable.
Remove from your floured surface and continue to knead.
~Let the Clay Fun Begin!~
I did record a "howto" vlog on this and my dumbie butt deleted it. Its called I had a baby in my lap and was trigger happy with that delete button...lol.
Hope you have fun clay dates with your little ones :)
1 cup of all purpose flour {I used Private Selection Organic Unbleached All-Purpose}
1 cup of h2o {I used straight from my tap:}
1/2 cup salt {I used Morton Coarse Kosher Salt}
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil {I used Spectrum organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil}
2 tablespoons of cream of tartar {I used McCormick Cream of Tartar}
1/4 teaspoon of gel food coloring {I used Betty Crocker Neon Pink Gel Food Colors}
Kitchen tools needed...
wooden spoon
floured surface for kneading
plastic wrap or sealed container for storage
Place all ingredients into your pan and wisk well together.
Put the pan on med/high heat and continuously stir as the clay thickens {this will take anywhere from 2-4 minutes}. It won't look much like "playdoh" at this point, but once it gets thick its time to pull off the oven.
Place your HOT clay onto your floured surface {it will be very sticky at this stage..no worries} and allow it to cool for a few minutes before beginning to knead.
When you begin kneading work in some of the flour from the surface your working on. It should start feeling more like clay/playdoh {the stickyness should no longer be an issue} it should be pliable.
Remove from your floured surface and continue to knead.
~Let the Clay Fun Begin!~
I did record a "howto" vlog on this and my dumbie butt deleted it. Its called I had a baby in my lap and was trigger happy with that delete button...lol.
Hope you have fun clay dates with your little ones :)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Mamas got a brand new...
If you already follow my You Tube channel then your probably already aware that I'm a dedicated fan of Fuzzibunz {still am}, but I've started venturing out into the great wide world of cloth diapers. I have had some great experiences and not so great ones along the way. If your new to cloth diapering it can be a bit overwhelming when you 1st begin researching on what you would like to have in your diaper stash. Theres prefolds, pockets, fitted and covers, all in ones, all in twos {still a little off by that one..lol}, perfect sized or one sized. And then to make matters worse they abbreviate it all; AIO {all in one}, OS {one sized}.
Once you've started to actually practice the art of cloth diapering on your little one, ultimately thats when you'll find your "favorite". Either it be a brand or just a type of diaper. It definitely takes trial and error. Once I found my preferred style {I love pocket diapers simply because I can add inserts or take away depending on Piper's needs} the question was what brand did we like. Fuzzibunz seemed to never let us down. I loved also that if something went wrong with the diaper that FB guaranteed their diapers and as long as you have a receipt they send you a brand new diaper. Now, the ONLY issue I have is that Fuzzibunz is made in China. This bugged me.
I thought okay, we're cloth diapering to lesson our families carbon footprint, but yet for all that goes into creating the diaper, shipping the diaper and what not...I wanted a great, dependable diaper made here in the Good Ole' US of A!
and guess what?! I found one!!!
We are loving our Simplex 2.0 {its very similar to the FB perfect fit} made by Swaddlebees and most of all its made here in the US! We've also purchased a Swaddlebees Econappi (bamboo) {one size fits all}. I will definitely be doing a review on YT of my new found love in the diaper world.
So, if buying US is just as important to you as it is me then Swaddlebees definitely warrants a visit from you. I actually purchased my Econappi from Nutured Family here in Houston Texas, but they also have a website.
Click here for Nurtured Family's Website
But, you can also go directly to Swaddlebee's website as well.
Click here for Swaddlebees Cloth Diapers
I would love to hear about some of your favorites and why they make your "must have" list.
{Piper has a very happy tush}
{Simplex in Lemon Lime by Swaddlebees and like Piper its made in the US}
If you already follow my You Tube channel then your probably already aware that I'm a dedicated fan of Fuzzibunz {still am}, but I've started venturing out into the great wide world of cloth diapers. I have had some great experiences and not so great ones along the way. If your new to cloth diapering it can be a bit overwhelming when you 1st begin researching on what you would like to have in your diaper stash. Theres prefolds, pockets, fitted and covers, all in ones, all in twos {still a little off by that one..lol}, perfect sized or one sized. And then to make matters worse they abbreviate it all; AIO {all in one}, OS {one sized}.
Once you've started to actually practice the art of cloth diapering on your little one, ultimately thats when you'll find your "favorite". Either it be a brand or just a type of diaper. It definitely takes trial and error. Once I found my preferred style {I love pocket diapers simply because I can add inserts or take away depending on Piper's needs} the question was what brand did we like. Fuzzibunz seemed to never let us down. I loved also that if something went wrong with the diaper that FB guaranteed their diapers and as long as you have a receipt they send you a brand new diaper. Now, the ONLY issue I have is that Fuzzibunz is made in China. This bugged me.
I thought okay, we're cloth diapering to lesson our families carbon footprint, but yet for all that goes into creating the diaper, shipping the diaper and what not...I wanted a great, dependable diaper made here in the Good Ole' US of A!
and guess what?! I found one!!!
We are loving our Simplex 2.0 {its very similar to the FB perfect fit} made by Swaddlebees and most of all its made here in the US! We've also purchased a Swaddlebees Econappi (bamboo) {one size fits all}. I will definitely be doing a review on YT of my new found love in the diaper world.
So, if buying US is just as important to you as it is me then Swaddlebees definitely warrants a visit from you. I actually purchased my Econappi from Nutured Family here in Houston Texas, but they also have a website.
Click here for Nurtured Family's Website
But, you can also go directly to Swaddlebee's website as well.
Click here for Swaddlebees Cloth Diapers
I would love to hear about some of your favorites and why they make your "must have" list.
{Piper has a very happy tush}
{Simplex in Lemon Lime by Swaddlebees and like Piper its made in the US}
Monday, October 3, 2011
In the world we live in
Friday morning I was awaken the sound of silence. Yep, you know that odd sound when your ceiling fan isn't turning or the mind numbing hummm of your a/c is absent..yeah that kind of silence. By the time I sat up in the bed I heard the fast approaching sound of sirens. First thought was, fire, but then I just knew it was a car accident.
Wes was on his way to his weekend reserve duty by 5:30am when he texted me, "the power is out cause some poor fool has hit the pole to the power lines". Come to find out that "poor fool" probably didn't survive his/her head on collision with the massive power pole. Very sad ... very, very sad.
But, as the morning moved on it really dawned on me. As we sit in this stifling Texas heat someone was receiving news that was going to change their lives..forever. Its scarey when we really think about the "inconveniences" we encounter probably are the effect of a "cause" that dramatically influences someone's life. Sometimes the cause is from a positive source and then sometimes it's not. So, in all honesty I spent those few hours grateful that I was on the "effect" side of this story and not the "cause", and it made that humid start to my day a little bit easier to bear.
Wes was on his way to his weekend reserve duty by 5:30am when he texted me, "the power is out cause some poor fool has hit the pole to the power lines". Come to find out that "poor fool" probably didn't survive his/her head on collision with the massive power pole. Very sad ... very, very sad.
But, as the morning moved on it really dawned on me. As we sit in this stifling Texas heat someone was receiving news that was going to change their lives..forever. Its scarey when we really think about the "inconveniences" we encounter probably are the effect of a "cause" that dramatically influences someone's life. Sometimes the cause is from a positive source and then sometimes it's not. So, in all honesty I spent those few hours grateful that I was on the "effect" side of this story and not the "cause", and it made that humid start to my day a little bit easier to bear.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Whats for dinner? Zucchini & Squash
I figured I would share what we're having for dinner tonight.
This recipe is super easy and the kids will love it {at least all mine really enjoy it}.
You can honestly add as many veggies you want or take away others that maybe you know the fam won't be too excited about.
I found this on Allrecipes.com when I searched for ingrediant of zucchini.
-Zucchini & Squash..-
Click here for my video: Whats for dinner:Zucchini & Squash
*3-4 Zucchini {I added squash to mine as well}
*2 tblspoons of Olive Oil {tonight I used Grapeseed Oil..worked awesome}
*Approx. 2 teaspoons of salt, pinch of pepper
*I add pasta to ours and tonight I used Ronzoni's Smart Taste elbows {1/2 box}
*1 sweet onion {white}
This serves approx. 3-4 ppl. {depending on how many seconds they'll want..and they will want more}
cut your zucchini in half length wise then cut crossways {creating thin half moons}
dice your onion {small dice}
put your olive oil {grapeseed oil} into a large skillet on med/high heat.
saute your onion first.
add the zucchini {and squash}
saute the zucchini till they are tender and slightly browned.
sprinkle about 1-2 teaspoons of salt with a pinch of pepper onto the zucchini mixture.
boil your pasta for approx. 8 minutes {1/2 box of Ronzoni Smart Taste}
rince with cold water and put into large bowl
once zucchini mixture is saute add to your pasta and wha-lah ...
dinner is served..yum yum
This recipe is super easy and the kids will love it {at least all mine really enjoy it}.
You can honestly add as many veggies you want or take away others that maybe you know the fam won't be too excited about.
I found this on Allrecipes.com when I searched for ingrediant of zucchini.
-Zucchini & Squash..-
Click here for my video: Whats for dinner:Zucchini & Squash
*3-4 Zucchini {I added squash to mine as well}
*2 tblspoons of Olive Oil {tonight I used Grapeseed Oil..worked awesome}
*Approx. 2 teaspoons of salt, pinch of pepper
*I add pasta to ours and tonight I used Ronzoni's Smart Taste elbows {1/2 box}
*1 sweet onion {white}
This serves approx. 3-4 ppl. {depending on how many seconds they'll want..and they will want more}
cut your zucchini in half length wise then cut crossways {creating thin half moons}
dice your onion {small dice}
put your olive oil {grapeseed oil} into a large skillet on med/high heat.
saute your onion first.
add the zucchini {and squash}
saute the zucchini till they are tender and slightly browned.
sprinkle about 1-2 teaspoons of salt with a pinch of pepper onto the zucchini mixture.
boil your pasta for approx. 8 minutes {1/2 box of Ronzoni Smart Taste}
rince with cold water and put into large bowl
once zucchini mixture is saute add to your pasta and wha-lah ...
dinner is served..yum yum
Friday, September 16, 2011
The amazing world of baby bottles
I thought since Piper has been transitioning from breast milk to formula I would do a review on the baby bottles we've tried. Keep in mind this one little baby's experience with these brands & everyone's wee ones have their preferances.
Piper seems to really prefer and have less issues with the Born Free (glass) bottle & Avent made by Phillips. The flow is perfect, no choking. Now, the Avent bottles have a small issue with the nipple collapsing, but it doesn't occur with every feeding. I have yet to find an issue the Born Free bottle other than the glass bottles are a bit heavy.
I would love to hear your experiences with bottles. Favorites and not so favorite.
Click here for the video review of..Medela glass, Playtex, Adiri, Breastflow,Avent & Born Free
Piper seems to really prefer and have less issues with the Born Free (glass) bottle & Avent made by Phillips. The flow is perfect, no choking. Now, the Avent bottles have a small issue with the nipple collapsing, but it doesn't occur with every feeding. I have yet to find an issue the Born Free bottle other than the glass bottles are a bit heavy.
I would love to hear your experiences with bottles. Favorites and not so favorite.
Click here for the video review of..Medela glass, Playtex, Adiri, Breastflow,Avent & Born Free
Naturally Thrifty Mom's Giveaway: Skoy Cloth (Ends 9/30/11)
Click here to enter Naturally Thrifty Mom's Giveaway: (OPEN) Skoy Cloth Giveaway - Ends 9/30
To check out her Video about the Skoy Cloth & Giveaway click here.
To enter visit Naturally Thrifty Mom's Blog and complete the form; then for additional opportunities follow her instructions.
Good luck!
To check out her Video about the Skoy Cloth & Giveaway click here.
To enter visit Naturally Thrifty Mom's Blog and complete the form; then for additional opportunities follow her instructions.
Good luck!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I'm on the hunt.
for a local pesticide free/natural farmer of veggies and fruits. I participated in a local health foods store's co-op today for the very 1st time. I was on the list to pick-up my "box" next Thursday & I was tickled pink {or green I should say}about it. I did ask her where the produce came from and she sharply answered "well its a group of Houston organic growers". So, I immediately signed my name to the "call-up" list. This is where if someone reserved a box, but did not prepay and they failed to pick-up by 6:00pm today I would be the stand by person to get the box {best believe I prepaid..I wanted my greens..lol}.
So, at 6:20pm I got the call, "Shannon we have a small box ready for you, if you'd like to come and pick it up". Would I? I'm there! Handed off Miss Piper to Daddie-O whom promptly got her ready for bath and I was "off like a prom dress" {crude comment a courtesy of my dear husband, Wes}.
I was excited as I walked out with my little brown box of little green, purple and orange goodies. I got a head of lettuse, 2 red onions, a lemon, carrots, 2 tomatoes, 2 zucchini, 3 peaches & a cucumber. I was stoked.
As I was driving home I was thinking of the foodie blogs I was going to check out to incorporate my found treats.
I get home, go to wash it..and I see a sticker on the zucchini and it says "Organic from Mexico".
Mexico!...I don't want to get veggies from Mexico! I want the farmer thats living in our own city, struggling with this horrible drought, but manages to produce fruits and vegetables. I was heartbroken.
Now, I'm not one to waste food, so that Mexico born zucchini will be apart of a family dinner this week, but I'm now on a personal crusade to find a local farmer or even "pick-your-own" farm that I can purchase from. I have found a few & will definitely update on those.
And, just to be clear I'm not against fruit or veggies from other states or even countries at that. I just want to do my part in supporting our community and to me this is a small way of doing just that.
So, at 6:20pm I got the call, "Shannon we have a small box ready for you, if you'd like to come and pick it up". Would I? I'm there! Handed off Miss Piper to Daddie-O whom promptly got her ready for bath and I was "off like a prom dress" {crude comment a courtesy of my dear husband, Wes}.
I was excited as I walked out with my little brown box of little green, purple and orange goodies. I got a head of lettuse, 2 red onions, a lemon, carrots, 2 tomatoes, 2 zucchini, 3 peaches & a cucumber. I was stoked.
As I was driving home I was thinking of the foodie blogs I was going to check out to incorporate my found treats.
I get home, go to wash it..and I see a sticker on the zucchini and it says "Organic from Mexico".
Mexico!...I don't want to get veggies from Mexico! I want the farmer thats living in our own city, struggling with this horrible drought, but manages to produce fruits and vegetables. I was heartbroken.
Now, I'm not one to waste food, so that Mexico born zucchini will be apart of a family dinner this week, but I'm now on a personal crusade to find a local farmer or even "pick-your-own" farm that I can purchase from. I have found a few & will definitely update on those.
And, just to be clear I'm not against fruit or veggies from other states or even countries at that. I just want to do my part in supporting our community and to me this is a small way of doing just that.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Naturally Thrifty Mom: Uprinting Canvas Print Giveaway Ends 9/30
Naturally Thrifty Mom: Uprinting Canvas Print Giveaway Ends 9/30:
So are you ready for a totally amazing giveaway?!?! I am so excited for this one guys! Uprinting has offered to give one to a lucky winner!
I'm loving this giveaway! Brittany is going to be selecting a winner at the end of September. Come on enter..you know you really wanna :)
Click here for Brittany's Giveaway Video
Good luck!!
When you go to her blog your going to notice that she requires to leave a comment on the Giveaway blog itself, but I have notified her that the option of leaving a comment is not showing. I went to her FB page {NaturallyThriftyMom} and left my comments on there, till she gets it fixed for us.
So are you ready for a totally amazing giveaway?!?! I am so excited for this one guys! Uprinting has offered to give one to a lucky winner!
I'm loving this giveaway! Brittany is going to be selecting a winner at the end of September. Come on enter..you know you really wanna :)
Click here for Brittany's Giveaway Video
Good luck!!
When you go to her blog your going to notice that she requires to leave a comment on the Giveaway blog itself, but I have notified her that the option of leaving a comment is not showing. I went to her FB page {NaturallyThriftyMom} and left my comments on there, till she gets it fixed for us.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
If it was good for a Soldier's wound, its good for my baby's bum!
I've received several messages on You Tube to make a video of the cloth diaper solution we use on our little bit's bum. And so today I finally got my tail in gear and got it done:)
Click here for "My cloth wipe solution" video on You Tube
I've seen loads of great {awesome even} ideas on how to make your own. You can even buy it premixed and so on. In other words this in no way means; my way is the only way. Its just what we do. The main {vital ingredient if you ask me} is the 100% pure tea tree oil I use from NOW essential oils. In the 1920's some really super smart scientist discovered its antimicrobial activity and was used commonly for skin issues and even wounds of injured Soldiers. So, I figured if its good for a Soldier's wound, then heck its good for Piper's bum!
Its pretty simple...approx. 2 cups of distilled water, 2 drops of tea tree oil, and 1-2 drops of johnson's baby shampoo. Throw in some terry cloth wipes {the only ones I really like to use for dirty baby bottoms}and WaLah! No, more store bought wipes for you!
Click here for "My cloth wipe solution" video on You Tube
I've seen loads of great {awesome even} ideas on how to make your own. You can even buy it premixed and so on. In other words this in no way means; my way is the only way. Its just what we do. The main {vital ingredient if you ask me} is the 100% pure tea tree oil I use from NOW essential oils. In the 1920's some really super smart scientist discovered its antimicrobial activity and was used commonly for skin issues and even wounds of injured Soldiers. So, I figured if its good for a Soldier's wound, then heck its good for Piper's bum!
Its pretty simple...approx. 2 cups of distilled water, 2 drops of tea tree oil, and 1-2 drops of johnson's baby shampoo. Throw in some terry cloth wipes {the only ones I really like to use for dirty baby bottoms}and WaLah! No, more store bought wipes for you!
{not to forget it will also make any room they are stored in smell pretty awesome too}
Monday, September 12, 2011
I love strippin'
diapers that is...
Well, September has been dubbed by The Cloth Diaper Channel on You Tube as cloth diaper stripping month.
Today, I washed 'em, soaked 'em and rinsed 'em and oh, its lovely. You wouldn't think that freshly stacked, stripped diapers could make an individual so satisfied, but hey, you just met someone it does! Something about having your stash clean and neatly put away and ready for a new day that can bring a smile to a mama like me. I'm in the process of editing my latest video showing my Rock in Green Soak {stripping} on our Piper's cloth diapers. Now, granted she hasn't had quite enough time to really put the mileage on her diapers just yet, but it definitely feels good to have them "like new" again. Piper is still in size small {majority Fuzzibunz}, but I've slowly started to incorporate her OS {one size} diapers into her daily use pile. I really love the trimness of the sized diapers in comparison to OS diapers. Especially when we're out & about, but otherwise at home being a bit bulky in the drawers is okay with me:)
Well, September has been dubbed by The Cloth Diaper Channel on You Tube as cloth diaper stripping month.
Today, I washed 'em, soaked 'em and rinsed 'em and oh, its lovely. You wouldn't think that freshly stacked, stripped diapers could make an individual so satisfied, but hey, you just met someone it does! Something about having your stash clean and neatly put away and ready for a new day that can bring a smile to a mama like me. I'm in the process of editing my latest video showing my Rock in Green Soak {stripping} on our Piper's cloth diapers. Now, granted she hasn't had quite enough time to really put the mileage on her diapers just yet, but it definitely feels good to have them "like new" again. Piper is still in size small {majority Fuzzibunz}, but I've slowly started to incorporate her OS {one size} diapers into her daily use pile. I really love the trimness of the sized diapers in comparison to OS diapers. Especially when we're out & about, but otherwise at home being a bit bulky in the drawers is okay with me:)
{aren't they perdy}
I've come into the world of fitted diapers and I must say I am really loving the Kissaluvs Hemp fitted for night time use. It is awesome! Piper sleeps between 9-10 hours a night and with this bad boy diaper she can go all night without being changed..no leaks and no rash from moisture staying on her too long. Its the super-duper night time trooper diaper! Can't rave enough about it. So, if your a cloth diapering mama, get your strip on this September and start your fall season {although here in Texas we're still experiencing 100 degree days} to fresh and perdy diapies:)
From construction paper to laptops...
{Will he actually figure out that he IS really smarter than me ;-}
Friday, September 9, 2011
Hmm..1st Blog Entry
So, I've contemplated what my very first blog entry to should be titled and more importantly what should it even be about. I think..oh, I know, I know I'll make it about my children, You Tube and my involvement, or about me, but then I stopped and thought to myself. How do you start each day of your life, Shannon? And {ding} the animated light bulb lights above my head, breakfast. I'm going to start this off as if its the start of a brand new day. So, this morning little Ms.Piper woke up at 7am after 10 hours of sleep {which is amazing considering shes only 12 weeks old!}. Made Ms. Pate {Peyton} her breakfast and sat down and enjoyed my cup of Greek Yogurt with an added touch of honey. If you haven't tried this before, {but you'll need to enjoy rich, creamy yogurts}..this is a must-try! I must say it was pretty yummy and a great start to this day...and this blog:)
{I must say I feel a little bit godess like after a cup}
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