Monday, September 12, 2011

From construction paper to laptops...

 {Will he actually figure out that he IS really smarter than me ;-}

Remember the days of having to supply your kiddos with red and tan construction paper and a packet of #2 pencils {I might be overly exaggerating the actual "smallness",but you know the basics of school supplies}.  Well..welcome to the year 2011 {pronounced twenty eleven nowadays}.  Our son's list consisted of rewritable discs, memory cards, ear buds and of course they no longer supply actual text books, everything is online.  I'm not sure about the rest of you, but when it comes to learning materials or manuals I still enjoy holding some good ole' paper in my hands {of course recycle once I've mastered the skill}.  As I sit here and watch Lee finish up some math, which I'm secretly looking up "mom's that need help with their children's math homework" sites on google, I think to myself just how far our world has come and even scarier just how far will it go?!  I love that our children are becoming technology savvy, but all at the same time I feel like it robs them of learning it the "long hand" way.  When your five year old can tell you how to reset your iPhone it just sends a slight chill up the back bone.  Are our kids truly going to be able to say, "I'm smarter than you, mom!" {the infamous line that our parents would always remind of us of.."You'll never be smarter than me, kid!"}


  1. I can't even imagine how different technology will be in ten years. Sounds like Lee could teach me a thing or two, lol! I hope that we can continue to adapt the best we can, and it fake the rest of the way :). Congrats on the launch of your blog! Love you, lady. xo

  2. When it comes to the school supply list for my 3 girls this year all I could this is WOW. As far as the technology thing, My husband is up to date on everything even if I am not. I have to teach my parents things about the computer so naturally the girls are going to teach me. I am also mad about the text book things. I believe they should be able to use thing more than the internet.

  3. i tell my kids all the time, i get to learn or relearn a topic alongside you! mainly because we are home schoolers and lets face it, with me teaching algebra... i need some resources to brush up on. lol ... some parents allow schools to do all the teaching. however, the most successful and humble kids grow up with parents that still pursue knowledge.... alongside them without feeling as if they should already know something :) isnt this exactly the way the real world works?! if you dont know something, educate yourself or become a follower without knowing what exactly it is you ARE following.

  4. Mel (yngmom78) I give huge kudos to all homeschooling mamas out there. I don't honestly believe I have the patience to be a good "teacher" and I sure as heck am very rusty in all thigs "education", but I can so see how much kids benefit from a homeschooling environment and where our school system fails. I guess theres no perfect system, but I try my best to be involved as much as possible:)

  5. Wow, I can't believe that his textbooks are online and he is using a laptop for homework! What about children who don't have access to a computer? I agree with the feeling of them being robbed of learning the "long hand" way. But I suppose in this day and age, it's all about technology and thinking "green." I'm definitely not looking forward to the day with Kennedy. I enjoy buying her number two pencils and notebooks. :)

  6. Sabrina, if they don't have access to a computer than they will issue a text book for those kids. But, it will be another way {like in our day if you didn't have the "in" sneaker} for you stick out socially. So, your caught in the middle..advance or in Lee's words "be embarrassed cause your carrying tons of books around". Food for thought..books are now cause for embarrassment.
