Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm on the hunt.

for a local pesticide free/natural farmer of veggies and fruits. I participated in a local health foods store's co-op today for the very 1st time. I was on the list to pick-up my "box" next Thursday & I was tickled pink {or green I should say}about it. I did ask her where the produce came from and she sharply answered "well its a group of Houston organic growers". So, I immediately signed my name to the "call-up" list. This is where if someone reserved a box, but did not prepay and they failed to pick-up by 6:00pm today I would be the stand by person to get the box {best believe I prepaid..I wanted my}.

So, at 6:20pm I got the call, "Shannon we have a small box ready for you, if you'd like to come and pick it up". Would I? I'm there! Handed off Miss Piper to Daddie-O whom promptly got her ready for bath and I was "off like a prom dress" {crude comment a courtesy of my dear husband, Wes}.

I was excited as I walked out with my little brown box of little green, purple and orange goodies. I got a head of lettuse, 2 red onions, a lemon, carrots, 2 tomatoes, 2 zucchini, 3 peaches & a cucumber. I was stoked.

As I was driving home I was thinking of the foodie blogs I was going to check out to incorporate my found treats.
I get home, go to wash it..and I see a sticker on the zucchini and it says "Organic from Mexico".
Mexico!...I don't want to get veggies from Mexico! I want the farmer thats living in our own city, struggling with this horrible drought, but manages to produce fruits and vegetables. I was heartbroken.
Now, I'm not one to waste food, so that Mexico born zucchini will be apart of a family dinner this week, but I'm now on a personal crusade to find a local farmer or even "pick-your-own" farm that I can purchase from. I have found a few & will definitely update on those.

And, just to be clear I'm not against fruit or veggies from other states or even countries at that. I just want to do my part in supporting our community and to me this is a small way of doing just that.


  1. Yes, I agree..needless to say I haven't participated with that food store's co-op. I have found another grower & its working out fantastic:)
