Monday, September 12, 2011

I love strippin'

diapers that is...

Well, September has been dubbed by The Cloth Diaper Channel on You Tube as cloth diaper stripping month.

Today, I washed 'em, soaked 'em and rinsed 'em and oh, its lovely.  You wouldn't think that freshly stacked, stripped diapers could make an individual so satisfied, but hey, you just met someone it does!  Something about having your stash clean and neatly put away and ready for a new day that can bring a smile to a mama like me.  I'm in the process of editing my latest video showing my Rock in Green Soak {stripping} on our Piper's cloth diapers.  Now, granted she hasn't had quite enough time to really put the mileage on her diapers just yet, but it definitely feels good to have them "like new" again.  Piper is still in size small {majority Fuzzibunz}, but I've slowly started to incorporate her OS {one size} diapers into her daily use pile.  I really love the trimness of the sized diapers in comparison to OS diapers.  Especially when we're out & about, but otherwise at home being a bit bulky in the drawers is okay with me:) 

{aren't they perdy}

I've come into the world of fitted diapers and I must say I am really loving the Kissaluvs Hemp fitted for night time use. It is awesome!  Piper sleeps between 9-10 hours a night and with this bad boy diaper she can go all night without being leaks and no rash from moisture staying on her too long.  Its the super-duper night time trooper diaper! Can't rave enough about it.  So, if your a cloth diapering mama, get your strip on this September and start your fall season {although here in Texas we're still experiencing 100 degree days} to fresh and perdy diapies:)

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