Saturday, September 17, 2011

Whats for dinner? Zucchini & Squash

I figured I would share what we're having for dinner tonight.
This recipe is super easy and the kids will love it {at least all mine really enjoy it}.

You can honestly add as many veggies you want or take away others that maybe you know the fam won't be too excited about.

I found this on when I searched for ingrediant of zucchini.

-Zucchini & Squash..-

Click here for my video: Whats for dinner:Zucchini & Squash

*3-4 Zucchini {I added squash to mine as well}
*2 tblspoons of Olive Oil {tonight I used Grapeseed Oil..worked awesome}
*Approx. 2 teaspoons of salt, pinch of pepper
*I add pasta to ours and tonight I used Ronzoni's Smart Taste elbows {1/2 box}
*1 sweet onion {white}

This serves approx. 3-4 ppl. {depending on how many seconds they'll want..and they will want more}

cut your zucchini in half length wise then cut crossways {creating thin half moons}
dice your onion {small dice}
put your olive oil {grapeseed oil} into a large skillet on med/high heat.
saute your onion first.
add the zucchini {and squash}
saute the zucchini till they are tender and slightly browned.
sprinkle about 1-2 teaspoons of salt with a pinch of pepper onto the zucchini mixture.
boil your pasta for approx. 8 minutes {1/2 box of Ronzoni Smart Taste}
rince with cold water and put into large bowl
once zucchini mixture is saute add to your pasta and wha-lah ...
dinner is served..yum yum


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. how did i not know you had a blog?! so glad i found you! :)

    btw- mine is in case you didn't know i had one either. ;)

  3. I will definitly check your out, Kellie:)
